Figure 1: The network for flower morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana based on the model as proposed by Mendoza et al.

We here consider the genetic network model depicted in figure 1. We start with the matrix notition for connectivity theorems for concentration control coefficients in a modified form. The modifications could be made due to the special stochiometry of genetic networks. Instead of considering both transcription and mRNA degradation we consider a production rate which is equal to the magnitude of the steady state flux through each mRNA(thus equal to both the transcription and the degradation rate). The special control coefficients in C* are defined as the normalized effect of a change in these rates on the steady state concentration of them RNAs. The elasticities are now aggragations of the effects on transcription and degradation steps. Actually, E* is the scaled Jacobian matrix.


Matrix C* is multiplied by the inverse of its diagonal and E* by the diagonal of C*. Since D-1D=I,


Multiplication of -C* with D-1 gives a matrix O with ratios between control coefficients, which are the co-control coefficients. Multiplication of E* with D gives a matrix Rd with products of control coefficients and elasticity coefficients, which are regulatory strengths. These regulatory strengths are a subset of the total number of regulatory strengths and we consider these 'direct' regulatory strengths, because they are products of an (aggragated) elasticity on a certain rate and a control coefficient of that rate on the mRNA that it produces.


Using this relation one can be obtained by inverting the other. We propose to calculate the co-control matrix from microarray data and obtaining the regulatory strength matrix, Rd, by inversion. This regulatory strength matrix contains all direct regulatory strengths, therefore defining the gene network structure unambigiously.

